Hello, world

Just a few words to introduce myself very briefly. I've started this blog as a place to publish things that I would like to read, to keep me writing and to keep me thinking. 

I love books, reading, travel, films, food, cooking, eating…. And I intend to write about all these loves and more. I have a bachelor’s degree in English Literature and a master’s degree in Creative and Critical Writing. To be honest, I am trying to work out my place in the world; swinging between feeling quite settled sometimes and completely adrift and insecure the rest of the time. I have a feeling this is a state of existence that lots of people can relate to...

At the time of writing this, I live in Winchester however in the next few weeks I will be moving home to the West Country. I’m really looking forward to getting stuck into the lifestyle and community I left behind years ago when I came to university.

Please get in touch for a chat anyone who fancies it!

Oh and the name... Well, like I said- food is a priority and a major interest. And did anyone see the Bao Pixar short at the start of The Incredibles 2? 


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